About IAF

Approach to Education

  • All students should be prepared for University and a life of continuous learning

  • All students should be helped to realize their full potential, empowering them to make informed decisions in life

  • All students should grow in confidence and self-esteem

  • The maximum possible "value" should be added to all aspects of each student's education

  • All students should be encouraged to become well rounded citizens, who contribute positively to their communities

Curriculum Overview

The curriculum implemented at IAF is closely aligned to state standards. In addition to the core subjects of English and mathematics, the curriculum is designed to provide knowledge of a broad range of subjects including science, social studies, art, music, health, physical education, and computers. It is designed to develop a balanced, well-rounded, learning experience.

Academic Goals

  • To qualify every student for entrance into college and/or the workforce

  • To provide a well-rounded education based on mastering English and mathematics

  • To teach students in logical reasoning and critical thinking

  • To generate excitement for life-long learning